Medical Grade Products

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Medical Devices (coming soon)

With PolyC Plastics and Composites success in the conductive market, we have experience with replacing silver based conductive products in the medical industry. During our first experiment we successfully replaced a silver chloride material used in ECG electrodes. Not only was it a positive outcome but we also outperformed traditional electrodes used in this space with our conductive polymer. In dry use scenarios over time, we found that our material is comparable to silver chloride ECG electrodes, but in an aqueous environment, we determined our material was much better suited due to its hydrophobicity properties. With long term ECG electrode use, we imagine applications protecting people when bathing, sweating or getting caught in hazardous weather.

Wearables (coming soon)

PolyC Plastics and Composites sees a great market in wearable electronics. With the revolution of internet of things, health sensors tracking, and new diagnostic devices rapidly coming to market for everyday consumers, we know our polymer has utility in these applications. The versatility of properties from flexible to being transparent make this polymer ideal in this space.

Human-machine interface (R&D phase)

We are excited to explore human-machine interfaces, we believe our polymer can play a major role in this up and coming field. Today we are in the research and develop phase with our materials for such uses but we are happy to supply our medical grade polymers for research and development uses when they are available in 2025.