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Mission / Vission

Our mission is to develop and create technological advancements in the polymer industry to provide clean, green, and safer alternatives with comparable or better functionality than historic legacy polymers. We believe in protecting our environment for generations to come, and because of that, our goal is to replace polymers containing PFAs, BPA, off gassing VOCs, and breakdown and bioaccumulation of microplastics with our low cytotoxic polymer which degrades into naturally occurring molecules that are approved by the FDA as food grade ingredients. 

Gregory Sotzing

Inventor, Founder, and Director of Research

Gregory A. Sotzing, the inventor of polycannabinoid (PolyC) composition of matter has served as a professor of organic and materials science and engineering at University of Connecticut since 1999 in the areas of wearble electronics, high temperature dielectrics for high energy density capacitors and polymer sustainability.  His specialty is in molecular design, synthesis optimization and small pilot scale-up, structural characterization and purification of organic compounds.  Greg has nearly 60 patents filed as inventor with commercial success in conductive polymers for display technology having a Samsung purchase of IP.   He has held research contracts with the Air Force (AFRL), Army research office (ARO) and office of naval research (ONR) as well as federal agencies such as department of energy through the advanced research projects agency for energy (ARPA-E), national science foundation (NSF), and national institutes of health (NIH).  Greg has held many contracts with industry including companies like Kraft Foods, Samsung, Air Products and Chemicals (APCI), Oakley, Sekisui Chemical, Sekisui Applied Research, Kuraray, New Balance, and Victoria’s Secret to name a few, including several SBIR contracts, Phase 1 and 2, with small companies.   Greg was honorably discharged from the Army and employed at Wright Patterson Airforce base during his 2010-2011 sabbatical leave as a federal employee.

Michael Sotzing

Chief Scientific Officer

Michael is a PhD candidate at Purdue University. His background includes research and development on projects ranging from dielectric materials and capacitor development, high voltage testing and instrumentation design, multi-physics modeling and electro-mechanical device development.  With his current focus on electroactive devices with the goal of creating high-performance bio-integrated systems.  Michael has been instrumental in developing and creating a path of commercialization for PolyC.

Dr. Miko Cakmak

Director of Production and Manufacturing

Prof. Miko Cakmak is Reilly Professor of Materials and Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University has 34 years of academic experience in Polymer Processing field.  He is actively developing novel processes to address the needs of emerging markets. Towards this goal, his group recently developed a hybrid electrospinning/solution casting multipurpose processing platform to produce functional polymer films including conductive transparent films.  More recent R2R machine  developed applies electric, magnetic and thermal fields to orient particles and phases in the “Z” direction (normal to the film plane) to preferentially enhance through thickness conductivity, dielectric constant of films for flexible electronics.   He recently published  two books and has nearly 300 publications.

Dr. Alex Chortos

Scientific Advisor for Printed Electronics and Wearable Technology

Alex is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Purdue. He received his bachelor’s in Nanotechnology Engineering from the University of Waterloo and his PhD in Materials Science from Stanford University. His research background includes work on materials chemistry and device physics of stretchable sensors and electronics funded by Samsung and 3D printing of actuators and human machine interfaces funded by Facebook. He advises on the applications of PolyC technologies in printed electronics.

Liam Bateman

Founder and Business Development

“Seek first the kingdom of God and the rest will be added unto you.”

Liam Graduated from Ohio University with an emphasis on botany, specifically cannabis. He then turned his focus to metallurgy as he worked in the lab on extraction, conversions and novel applications in the commercial cannabis space. While developing multiple business ventures in the hemp space Liam began collaborating with inventor Dr. Greg Sotzing, ultimately forming Poly C Plastics and Composites.

Kerry McCormick

Chief Executive Officer

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

Kerry graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a biology degree and immediately started his entrepreneurial career.  He has expertise in start-ups, finance, regulations, deal structuring and 8yrs in the industrial hemp industries.  His operational oversight, execution abilities and entrepreneurial spirit is much welcomed.

Ben Hazen

Chief Operations Officer

 “Serving is living”

Ben Hazen, Ph.D., served 20 years in the US Air Force in both enlisted (Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry Systems) and commissioned officer (Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics) positions, including as an Associate Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Deputy Director of the Center for Operational Analysis at the Air Force Institute of Technology. Ben is an expert in circular economy, supply chain management, sustainability, and the diffusion of innovation and leads and participates in US government-sponsored research on the topic of innovation and supply base management. At PolyC, he works on developing sustainable business operations and opportunities to support US Government research initiatives.

Sammy Calabrese

Chief Financial Officer and In-House Counsel

“Necessitas etiam timidos fortes facit”

Environmental Mission

While supporting our mission to offer technological advancements in the polymer industry that improves the health and wellness of our planet, our major focus in our research, development, and production processes is centered around environmental friendliness and safety profile for all living things. 

The issue with most commercially viable polymers is they do not decompose in a reasonable timeframe. They exist in a nanoparticle form as larger plastics break down and are often toxic for the host whether in the environment or a living being.

Helps us change the world with hemp biopolymers and remove our dependence on petroleum derived products. Our technology is made from food grade ingredients which decompose back into the naturally occurring molecules. In environmental studies, our polymer continues to demonstrate to be safe for the earth as well as those living on it!

Meet Our Creative Team

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Esther Howard

Esther Howard


William Jell

William Jell


Nick Helton

Nick Helton


Nelly Bekson

Nelly Bekson


We Take Action. To Make Better Changes

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